
Celeste Rose Somatics offers programs, workshops and events in mindful breath biology and practice. These sessions have been designed with a multisensory
approach to build emotional and physical resiliency and endurance levels using specific breathing sequences, nervous system regulation practices,
heart coherence, cold therapy and brain entrainment music. These sessions involve guided rhythmic breathing and breath retention to alter your oxygen and carbon
dioxide levels. This conscious breathwork practice known as “Intermittent Hypoxia Training” creates a positive stress response within the body that
physically and emotionally releases stress on a cellular level. Please visit our website for all the health benefits of IHT at www.celesterosesomatics.com.
These specific programs, workshops or events balance the mind/body creating coherence of the vascular system, autonomic nervous system and immune
system. We advise anyone who has concerns to speak to a medical professional before they begin IHT, Buteyko and/or any other form of breathwork.


Thank you for participating in this circle, course or workshop (know as the “session(s)” which may also consist of a series of circles, courses, private sessions, workshops conducted in person or on-line (whichever is applicable). The “session(s)” is conducted by Celeste Alles a trained Soma Breathwork Instructor (your “Teacher”).
By participating in the “session(s) you agree to the following Terms and Conditions:

Nature of the Workshop

• The information presented during the “session(s)” including ideas, suggestions, techniques, trainings, exercises, initiations, processes, activities, energetic activations, empowerments, downloads, instructions, and other materials (collectively the “Materials”), is educational in nature and is provided only as general information and is not medical or psychological advice.
• You understand the “session(s)” is experiential in nature and focuses solely on personal growth and spiritual transformation and is not to be considered treatment for any physical, emotional, or mental disorder. You agree to consult with your health care providers for any specific medical, emotional, or psychological problems or issues in advance of the “session(s)”. Further you agree to take full responsibility for your self-care during the “session(s)” and after.
• Any stories or testimonials presented before or during the “session(s)” do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding your experience during or after the “session(s)”. Further, you understand that the “Teacher” makes no warranty, guarantee, or prediction that you will experience any particular state of awareness or consciousness during or after the “session(s)”, nor does the “Teacher” make any representation that you will experience any particular outcome on an issue. Due to the fact that the “session(s)” may include group processes in which you may voluntarily reveal personal information, you understand that you waive your rights of privacy and
• You acknowledge and agree that anything and everything discussed with the “Teacher” or any “session(s)” participant is merely a perspective for you to consider. You further understand that your participation in the “session(s)” is not intended to create nor does it establish a client-practitioner relationship or any other type of therapeutic or professional relationship between you and the “Teacher”.
• Please be advised that by participating in the “session(s)”, emotional or physical sensations may surface which could be perceived as negative side effects and possibly cause psychological and/or physical discomfort. If you experience any distressing reactions by participating in the “session(s)”, you agree to ask for help from the “Teacher” and if symptoms or discomfort continues to seek the help of a trained medical professional.

The information presented during any Celeste Rose Somatics Workshop, Class, Online Class or Recording including ideas, suggestions, techniques, trainings, exercises, initiations, processes, activities, energetic activations, empowerments, downloads, instructions, and other materials (collectively the“Materials”), is educational in nature and is provided only as general information and is not intended to replace any relationship with medical professionals and/or primary health care professional(s) and/or therapists nor is it intended to constitute any medical advice, diagnosis of medical conditions or mental/emotional disorders/conditions/diseases or any substitution in any form of medical care. Breathwork and Body Work practices cannot be relied on for diagnosis or treatment in relation to any health issues or disease or as a substitute for any prescribed medication(s).

The information presented during the Workshop, Class, Online Class or Recording is experiential in nature and focuses solely on personal growth and spiritual transformation and is not to be considered treatment for any physical, emotional, or mental disorder. You agree to consult with your health care provider(s) for any specific medical, emotional, or psychological problems or issues in advance of the Workshop, Class, Online Class or Recording that may affect your health or judgment before, during or after. Furthermore, you agree to take full responsibility for your self-care during the Workshop, Workshop, Class, Online Class or Recording and after.

All participation in any Workshop, Class, Online Class or Recording is not intended to create nor establish a client-practitioner relationship or any other type of therapeutic or professional relationship with the attendee and Celeste Rose Somatics.

When to Avoid Breathwork:

Avoid breathwork practice if operating heavy machinery or driving. Never practice around water. If you have high blood pressure or any serious medical disease then please seek medical supervision from your health care provider(s) before participating. We cannot take liability for any harm caused.

Please note, for your benefit we advise anyone with any condition listed below Contraindications I, refrain from our practices. Anyone with any conditions listed in Condraindications II, please consult with your Dr. before proceeding.


Breathwork and Intermittent Hypoxic Training (IHT) is contraindicated in the case of:

Acute somatic and viral diseases
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD-I and COPD-III)
Chronic diseases with symptoms of decompensation, or terminal illness
Individual intolerance of oxygen insufficiency
Cancer, unless IHT is prescribed by a doctor
People with epilepsy, pacemakers or heart arrhythmias, unless treatment (including IHT) is under direct
medical supervision.
High Blood Pressure
Any Heart Conditions including stroke, heart attack
Family history of Aneurisms


Retinal Detachment

When to Avoid Cold Therapy:

If you have any concerns about Cold Therapy or any serious medical issue, then please seek medical supervision from your health care provider(s) before participating. We cannot take liability for any harm caused.

Please note, for your benefit, we advise anyone with any condition listed below (Contraindications I), to refrain from our practices.



Cold Therapy is contraindicated in the case of:

Acute somatic and viral diseases
Individual intolerance of oxygen insufficiency
Deep vein thrombosis
Peripheral vascular disease
Skin sensation impairment (diabetic residents)
Hypersensitivity to cold, such as Raynaud’s phenomenon, cold urticaria, cryoglobulinemia, and paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria
History of COVID-19 vaccine harm including myocarditis, pericarditis or neurological damage
High Blood Pressure
Any Heart Conditions including stroke, heart attack, pacemaker or arrhythmia

After cold therapy, it is normal to have temporary numbness. If there is persistent numbness, pain or severe discomfort, seek the assistance of a healthcare provider promptly.


Contact Us: If you have any questions or concerns about your participation, please contact us.

It is recommended that breathwork and muscular release be practiced away from any pain medication (both over-the-counter and prescribed). Please let us know if you have any concerns about your medication interfering with your enjoyment of these practices or if you have any other conditions listed or not listed above that we should be made aware of to safely guide you on this journey.

Drug and alcohol use is not permitted and will result in your immediate removal from the space.

Breathwork practices are limited to adults over the age of 18 only unless authorized by an adult caregiver.

It is advised participants not to eat a big meal at least two hours before class.

Hydrating with water is great and advised. Participant should bring water with them.

For your personal comfort, loose and comfortable clothing is advised. Bring layers in case you get too warm or too cool during the class.

We will let you know, depending on the venue, if a yoga mat will be provided or if you need to bring one.

Disclaimer Last updated: March 2023